Source code for

import datetime as dt
import logging
import os
import requests
import requests.adapters

from pprint import pformat

import cdsapi as cds
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from import download_args
from import ClimateDownloader
Module to download hourly ERA5 reanalysis latitude-longitude maps,
compute daily averages, regrid them to the same EASE grid as the OSI-SAF sea
ice, data, and save as daily NetCDFs.

[docs] class ERA5Downloader(ClimateDownloader): """Climate downloader to provide ERA5 reanalysis data from CDS API :param identifier: how to identify this dataset :param cdi_map: override the default ERA5Downloader.CDI_MAP variable map :param use_toolbox: whether to use CDS toolbox for remote aggregation :param show_progress: whether to show download progress """ CDI_MAP = { 'tas': '2m_temperature', 'ta': 'temperature', # 500 'tos': 'sea_surface_temperature', 'psl': 'surface_pressure', 'zg': 'geopotential', # 250 and 500 'hus': 'specific_humidity', # 1000 'rlds': 'surface_thermal_radiation_downwards', 'rsds': 'surface_solar_radiation_downwards', 'uas': '10m_u_component_of_wind', 'vas': '10m_v_component_of_wind', } def __init__(self, *args, identifier: str = "era5", cdi_map: object = CDI_MAP, use_toolbox: bool = False, show_progress: bool = False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, drop_vars=["lambert_azimuthal_equal_area"], identifier=identifier, **kwargs) self.client = cds.Client(progress=show_progress) self._cdi_map = cdi_map self._use_toolbox = use_toolbox self.download_method = self._single_api_download if use_toolbox: self.download_method = self._single_toolbox_download if self._max_threads > 10:"Upping connection limit for max_threads > 10") adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter( pool_connections=self._max_threads, pool_maxsize=self._max_threads) self.client.session.mount("https://", adapter) def _single_toolbox_download(self, var: object, level: object, req_dates: object, download_path: object): """Implements a single download from CDS Toolbox API :param var: :param level: the pressure level to download :param req_dates: the request dates :param download_path: """ logging.debug("Processing {} dates".format(len(req_dates))) var_prefix = var[0:-(len(str(level)))] if level else var params_dict = { "realm": "c3s", "project": "app-c3s-daily-era5-statistics", "version": "master", "workflow_name": "application", "kwargs": { "dataset": "reanalysis-era5-single-levels", "product_type": "reanalysis", "variable": self._cdi_map[var_prefix], "pressure_level": "-", "statistic": "daily_mean", "year": req_dates[0].year, "month": sorted(list(set([r.month for r in req_dates]))), "frequency": "1-hourly", "time_zone": "UTC+00:00", "grid": "0.25/0.25", "area": { "lat": [ min([self.hemisphere_loc[0], self.hemisphere_loc[2]]), max([self.hemisphere_loc[0], self.hemisphere_loc[2]]) ], "lon": [ min([self.hemisphere_loc[1], self.hemisphere_loc[3]]), max([self.hemisphere_loc[1], self.hemisphere_loc[3]]) ], }, }, } if level: params_dict["kwargs"]["dataset"] = \ "reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels" params_dict["kwargs"]["pressure_level"] = level logging.debug("params_dict: {}".format(pformat(params_dict))) result = self.client.service("tool.toolbox.orchestrator.workflow", params=params_dict) try:"Downloading data for {}...".format(var)) logging.debug("Result: {}".format(result)) location = result[0]['location'] res = requests.get(location, stream=True)"Writing data to {}".format(download_path)) with open(download_path, 'wb') as fh: for r in res.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): fh.write(r)"Download completed: {}".format(download_path)) except Exception as e: logging.exception("{} not deleted, look at the " "problem".format(download_path)) raise RuntimeError(e) def _single_api_download(self, var: str, level: object, req_dates: object, download_path: object): """Implements a single download from CDS API :param var: :param level: the pressure level to download :param req_dates: the request date :param download_path: """ logging.debug("Processing {} dates".format(len(req_dates))) var_prefix = var[0:-(len(str(level)))] if level else var retrieve_dict = { "product_type": "reanalysis", "variable": self._cdi_map[var_prefix], "year": req_dates[0].year, "month": list( set(["{:02d}".format(rd.month) for rd in sorted(req_dates)]) ), "day": ["{:02d}".format(d) for d in range(1, 32)], "time": ["{:02d}:00".format(h) for h in range(0, 24)], "format": "netcdf", "area": self.hemisphere_loc, } dataset = "reanalysis-era5-single-levels" if level: dataset = "reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels" retrieve_dict["pressure_level"] = level try:"Downloading data for {}...".format(var)) self.client.retrieve(dataset, retrieve_dict, download_path)"Download completed: {}".format(download_path)) except Exception as e: logging.exception("{} not deleted, look at the " "problem".format(download_path)) raise RuntimeError(e)
[docs] def postprocess(self, var: str, download_path: object): """Processing of CDS downloaded files If we've not used the toolbox to download the files, we have a lot of hourly data to average out, which is taken care of here :param var: :param download_path: """ # if not self._use_toolbox:"Postprocessing CDS API data at {}".format(download_path)) temp_path = "{}.bak{}".format(*os.path.splitext(download_path)) logging.debug("Moving to {}".format(temp_path)) os.rename(download_path, temp_path) ds = xr.open_dataset(temp_path) nom = list(ds.data_vars)[0] da = getattr(ds.rename({nom: var}), var) doy_counts = da.time.groupby("time.dayofyear").count() # There are situations where the API will spit out unordered and # partial data, so we ensure here means come from full days and don't # leave gaps. If we can avoid expver with this, might as well, so # that's second # FIXME: This will cause issues for already processed latlon data if len(doy_counts[doy_counts < 24]) > 0: strip_dates_before = min([ dt.datetime.strptime( "{}-{}".format(d, pd.to_datetime(da.time.values[0]).year), "%j-%Y") for d in doy_counts[doy_counts < 24].dayofyear.values ]) da = da.where(da.time < pd.Timestamp(strip_dates_before), drop=True) if 'expver' in da.coords: logging.warning("expvers {} in coordinates, will process out but " "this needs further work: expver needs storing for " "later overwriting".format(da.expver)) # Ref: da = da.sel(expver=1).combine_first(da.sel(expver=5)) da = da.sortby("time").resample(time='1D').mean() da.to_netcdf(download_path)
[docs] def additional_regrid_processing(self, datafile: str, cube_ease: object): """ :param datafile: :param cube_ease: """ (datafile_path, datafile_name) = os.path.split(datafile) var_name = datafile_path.split(os.sep)[self._var_name_idx] if var_name == 'tos': # Overwrite maksed values with zeros logging.debug("ERA5 regrid postprocess: {}".format(var_name))[] = 0. = = np.where(np.isnan(, 0., elif var_name in ['zg500', 'zg250']: # Convert from geopotential to geopotential height logging.debug("ERA5 additional regrid: {}".format(var_name)) /= 9.80665
[docs] def main(): args = download_args(choices=["cdsapi", "toolbox"], workers=True, extra_args=((("-n", "--do-not-download"), dict(dest="download", action="store_false", default=True)), (("-p", "--do-not-postprocess"), dict(dest="postprocess", action="store_false", default=True))))"ERA5 Data Downloading") era5 = ERA5Downloader( var_names=args.vars, dates=[ pd.to_datetime(date).date() for date in pd.date_range(args.start_date, args.end_date, freq="D") ], delete_tempfiles=args.delete,, levels=args.levels, max_threads=args.workers, postprocess=args.postprocess, north=args.hemisphere == "north", south=args.hemisphere == "south", use_toolbox=args.choice == "toolbox") era5.regrid()