Source code for

import argparse
import collections
import glob
import logging
import os

import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from icenet.utils import setup_logging

[docs] def batch_requested_dates(dates: object, attribute: str = "month") -> object: """ TODO: should be using Pandas DatetimeIndexes / Periods for this, but the need to refactor slightly, and this is working for the moment :param dates: :param attribute: :return: """ dates = collections.deque(sorted(dates)) batched_dates = [] batch = [] while len(dates): if not len(batch): batch.append(dates.popleft()) else: if getattr(batch[-1], attribute) == getattr(dates[0], attribute): batch.append(dates.popleft()) else: batched_dates.append(batch) batch = [] if len(batch): batched_dates.append(batch) if len(dates) > 0: raise RuntimeError("Batching didn't work!") return batched_dates
[docs] def reprocess_monthlies(source: str, hemisphere: str, identifier: str, output_base: str, dry: bool = False, var_names: object = None): """ :param source: :param hemisphere: :param identifier: :param output_base: :param dry: :param var_names: """ if not var_names: var_names = [] for var_name in var_names: var_path = os.path.join(source, hemisphere, var_name) files = glob.glob("{}/{}_*.nc".format(var_path, var_name)) for file in files: _, year = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(file)[0]).\ split("_")[0:2] try: year = int(year) if not (1900 < year < 2200): logging.warning("File is not between 1900-2200, probably " "not something to convert: {}".format(year)) except ValueError: logging.warning("Cannot derive year from {}".format(year)) continue destination = os.path.join(output_base, identifier, hemisphere, var_name, str(year)) if not os.path.exists(destination): os.makedirs(destination, exist_ok=True)"Processing {} from {} to {}".format( var_name, year, destination)) ds = xr.open_dataset(file) var_names = [ name for name in list(ds.data_vars.keys()) if not name.startswith("lambert_") ] var_names = set(var_names) logging.debug( "Files have var names {} which will be renamed to {}".format( ", ".join(var_names), var_name)) ds = ds.rename({k: var_name for k in var_names}) da = getattr(ds, var_name) for date in da.time.values: date = pd.Timestamp(date) fname = '{:04d}_{:02d}_{:02d}.nc'. \ format(date.year, date.month, daily = da.sel(time=slice(date, date)) output_path = os.path.join(destination, fname) if dry or os.path.exists(output_path): continue else: daily.to_netcdf(output_path)
[docs] def add_time_dim(source: str, hemisphere: str, identifier: str, dry: bool = False, var_names: object = []): """ :param source: :param hemisphere: :param identifier: :param dry: :param var_names: """ files = {} for var_name in var_names: var_path = os.path.join(source, identifier, hemisphere, var_name) if var_name not in files: files[var_name] = {} file_list = glob.glob("{}/*/*.nc".format(var_path)) for path, filename in [os.path.split(el) for el in file_list]: if filename.startswith("{}_".format(var_name)): raise RuntimeError( "{} starts with var name, we only want " "correctly named files to convert".format(filename)) year = str(path.split(os.sep)[-1]) if year not in files[var_name]: files[var_name][year] = [] src = os.path.join(path, filename) dest = os.path.join(path, "{}_{}".format(var_name, filename)) if not dry: try: os.rename(src, dest) except OSError as e: logging.exception("Not able to move file to temporary" "destination {}".format(dest)) raise e else:"{} -> {}".format(src, dest)) files[var_name][year].append(dest) for year_files in [files[var][el] for var in files for el in files[var]]: if not dry: ds = xr.open_mfdataset(year_files, combine="nested", concat_dim="time", parallel=True) if "siconca" in year_files[0]: ds = ds.rename_vars({"siconca": "ice_conc"}) ds = ds.sortby("time") ds['time'] = [ pd.Timestamp(el) for el in ds.indexes['time'].normalize() ] for d in ds.time.values: dt = pd.to_datetime(d) date_str = dt.strftime("%Y_%m_%d") fpath = os.path.join( os.path.split(year_files[0])[0], "{}.nc".format(date_str)) if not os.path.exists(fpath): dw = ds.sel(time=slice(dt, dt))"Writing {}".format(fpath)) dw.to_netcdf(fpath) else: raise RuntimeError("Already exists: {}".format(fpath)) ds.close() for orig_file in year_files:"Removing {}".format(orig_file)) os.unlink(orig_file) else:"Would process out: {}".format(year_files))
[docs] @setup_logging def get_args(): """ :return: """ a = argparse.ArgumentParser() a.add_argument("-d", "--dry", default=False, action="store_true") a.add_argument("-o", "--output", default="./data") a.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", default=False, action="store_true") a.add_argument("source") a.add_argument("hemisphere", choices=["nh", "sh"]) a.add_argument("identifier") a.add_argument("vars", nargs='+') return a.parse_args()
[docs] def add_time_dim_main(): """CLI stub to sort out missing time dimensions in daily data """ args = get_args()"Temporary solution for sorting missing time dim in files") if args.output != "./data": raise RuntimeError("output is not used for this command: {}".format( args.output)) add_time_dim(args.source, args.hemisphere, args.identifier, dry=args.dry, var_names=args.vars)
[docs] def reprocess_main(): """CLI stub solution for reprocessing monthly files """ args = get_args()"Temporary solution for reprocessing monthly files") reprocess_monthlies(args.source, args.hemisphere, args.identifier, output_base=args.output, dry=args.dry, var_names=args.vars)