Source code for

import datetime as dt
import json
import logging
import os

import dask
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from import Processor
from import Masks
from icenet.model.models import linear_trend_forecast


[docs] class IceNetPreProcessor(Processor): """ :param abs_vars: :param anom_vars: :param name: :param train_dates: :param val_dates: :param test_dates: :param *args: :param data_shape: :param dtype: :param exclude_vars: :param file_filters: :param identifier: :param linear_trends: :param linear_trend_days: :param meta_vars: :param missing_dates: :param minmax: :param no_normalise: :param path: :param parallel_opens: :param ref_procdir: :param source_data: :param update_key: :param update_loader: """ DATE_FORMAT = "%Y_%m_%d" def __init__( self, abs_vars, anom_vars, name, # FIXME: the preprocessors don't need to have the concept of # train, test, val: they only need to output daily files # that either are, or are not, part of normalisation / # climatology calculations. Not a problem, just fix train_dates, val_dates, test_dates, *args, data_shape=(432, 432), dtype=np.float32, exclude_vars=(), file_filters=tuple(["latlon_"]), identifier=None, linear_trends=tuple(["siconca"]), linear_trend_steps=7, meta_vars=tuple(), missing_dates=tuple(), minmax=True, no_normalise=tuple(["siconca"]), path=os.path.join(".", "processed"), parallel_opens=False, ref_procdir=None, source_data=os.path.join(".", "data"), update_key=None, update_loader=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(identifier, source_data, *args, file_filters=file_filters, path=os.path.join(path, name), train_dates=train_dates, val_dates=val_dates, test_dates=test_dates, **kwargs) self._abs_vars = abs_vars if abs_vars else [] self._anom_vars = anom_vars if anom_vars else [] # TODO: Ugh, this should not be here any longer self._meta_vars = list(meta_vars) self._name = name self._data_shape = data_shape self._dtype = dtype self._exclude_vars = exclude_vars self._linear_trends = linear_trends self._missing_dates = list(missing_dates) self._no_normalise = no_normalise self._normalise = self._normalise_array_mean \ if not minmax else self._normalise_array_scaling self._parallel = parallel_opens self._refdir = ref_procdir self._update_key = self.identifier if not update_key else update_key self._update_loader = os.path.join(".", "loader.{}.json".format(name)) \ if update_loader else None if type(linear_trend_steps) == int: logging.debug( "Setting range for linear trend steps based on {}".format( linear_trend_steps)) self._linear_trend_steps = list(range(1, linear_trend_steps + 1)) else: self._linear_trend_steps = [int(el) for el in linear_trend_steps]
[docs] def process(self): """ """ var_suffixes = ["abs", "anom"] var_lists = [self._abs_vars, self._anom_vars] for var_suffix, var_list in zip(var_suffixes, var_lists): for var_name in var_list: if var_name not in self._var_files.keys(): logging.warning("{} does not exist".format(var_name)) continue self._save_variable(var_name, var_suffix) if self._update_loader: self.update_loader_config()
[docs] def pre_normalisation(self, var_name: str, da: object): """ :param var_name: :param da: :return: """ logging.debug( "No pre normalisation implemented for {}".format(var_name)) return da
[docs] def post_normalisation(self, var_name: str, da: object): """ :param var_name: :param da: :return: """ logging.debug( "No post normalisation implemented for {}".format(var_name)) return da
# TODO: update this to store parameters, if appropriate
[docs] def update_loader_config(self): """ :return: """ def _serialize(x): if x is return x.strftime(IceNetPreProcessor.DATE_FORMAT) return str(x) # We have to be explicit with "dates" as the properties will not be # caught by _serialize source = { "name": self._name, "implementation": self.__class__.__name__, "anom": self._anom_vars, "abs": self._abs_vars, "dates": { "train": [ d.strftime(IceNetPreProcessor.DATE_FORMAT) for d in self._dates.train ], "val": [ d.strftime(IceNetPreProcessor.DATE_FORMAT) for d in self._dates.val ], "test": [ d.strftime(IceNetPreProcessor.DATE_FORMAT) for d in self._dates.test ], }, "linear_trends": self._linear_trends, "linear_trend_steps": self._linear_trend_steps, "meta": self._meta_vars, # TODO: intention should perhaps be to strip these from # other date sets, this is just an indicative placeholder # for the mo "var_files": self._processed_files, } configuration = {"sources": {}} if os.path.exists(self._update_loader):"Loading configuration {}".format( self._update_loader)) with open(self._update_loader, "r") as fh: obj = json.load(fh) configuration.update(obj) configuration["sources"][self._update_key] = source # Ideally should always be in together if "dtype" in configuration: assert configuration["dtype"] == self._dtype.__name__ if "shape" in configuration: assert configuration["shape"] == list(self._data_shape) configuration["dtype"] = self._dtype.__name__ configuration["shape"] = list(self._data_shape) if "missing_dates" not in configuration: configuration["missing_dates"] = [] # Conversion required one way or another, so perhaps more efficient # than a union for d in sorted(self._missing_dates): date_str = d.strftime(IceNetPreProcessor.DATE_FORMAT) if date_str not in configuration["missing_dates"]: configuration["missing_dates"].append(date_str)"Writing configuration to {}".format(self._update_loader)) with open(self._update_loader, "w") as fh: json.dump(configuration, fh, indent=4, default=_serialize)
def _save_variable(self, var_name: str, var_suffix: str): """ :param var_name: :param var_suffix: """ with dask.config.set(**{'array.slicing.split_large_chunks': True}): da = self._open_dataarray_from_files(var_name) # FIXME: we should ideally store train dates against the # normalisation and climatology, to ensure recalculation on # reprocess. All this need be is in the path, to be honest if var_name in self._anom_vars: if self._refdir:"Loading climatology from alternate " "directory: {}".format(self._refdir)) clim_path = os.path.join(self._refdir, "params", "climatology.{}".format(var_name)) else: clim_path = os.path.join( self.get_data_var_folder("params"), "climatology.{}".format(var_name)) if not os.path.exists(clim_path):"Generating climatology {}".format(clim_path)) if self._dates.train: climatology = da.sel(time=self._dates.train).\ groupby('time.month', restore_coord_dims=True).\ mean() climatology.to_netcdf(clim_path) else: raise RuntimeError( "{} does not exist and no " "training data is supplied".format(clim_path)) else:"Reusing climatology {}".format(clim_path)) climatology = xr.open_dataarray(clim_path) if not set(da.groupby("time.month").all().month.values).\ issubset(set(climatology.month.values)): logging.warning( "We don't have a full climatology ({}) " "compared with data ({})".format( ",".join( [str(i) for i in climatology.month.values]), ",".join([ str(i) for i in da.groupby( "time.month").all().month.values ]))) da = da - climatology.mean() else: da = da.groupby("time.month") - climatology # FIXME: this is not the way to reconvert underlying data on # dask arrays = np.asarray(, dtype=self._dtype) da = self.pre_normalisation(var_name, da) # We don't do this ( # 4ca0f1300fbd82335d8bb000c85b1e71855630fa/icenet/ # any more if var_name in self._linear_trends and var_suffix == "abs": # TODO: verify, this used to be da = , but we should not be # overwriting the abs da with linear trend da ref_da = None if self._refdir: "We have a reference {}, so will load " "and supply abs from that for linear trend of " "{}".format(self._refdir, var_name)) ref_da = xr.open_dataarray( os.path.join(self._refdir, var_name, "{}_{}.nc".format(var_name, var_suffix))) self._build_linear_trend_da(da, var_name, ref_da=ref_da) elif var_name in self._linear_trends \ and var_name not in self._abs_vars: raise NotImplementedError( "You've asked for linear trend " "without an absolute value var: {}".format(var_name)) if var_name in self._no_normalise:"No normalisation for {}".format(var_name)) else:"Normalising {}".format(var_name)) da = self._normalise(var_name, da) da = self.post_normalisation(var_name, da) self.save_processed_file( var_name, "{}_{}.nc".format(var_name, var_suffix), da.rename("_".join([var_name, var_suffix]))) def _open_dataarray_from_files(self, var_name: str): """ Open the yearly xarray files, accounting for some ERA5 variables that have erroneous 'unknown' NetCDF variable names which prevents concatentation. :param var_name: :return: """"Opening files for {}".format(var_name)) logging.debug("Files: {}".format(self._var_files[var_name])) ds = xr.open_mfdataset( self._var_files[var_name], # Solves issue with inheriting files without # time dimension (only having coordinate) combine="nested", concat_dim="time", coords="minimal", compat="override", drop_variables=("lat", "lon"), parallel=self._parallel) # For processing one file, we're going to assume a single non-lambert # variable exists at the start and rename all of them var_names = [ name for name in list(ds.data_vars.keys()) if not name.startswith("lambert_") ] var_names = set(var_names) logging.debug( "Files have var names {} which will be renamed to {}".format( ", ".join(var_names), var_name)) ds = ds.rename({k: var_name for k in var_names}) da = getattr(ds, var_name) # all_dates = self.dates.train + self.dates.val + self.dates.test # logging.debug("{} dates in total".format(len(all_dates))) da_dates = [pd.to_datetime(d).date() for d in da.time.values] logging.debug("{} dates in da".format(len(da_dates))) # search = sorted(list(set([el for el in all_dates # if pd.to_datetime(el).date() in da_dates]))) # logging.debug("Selecting {} dates from da".format(len(search))) # We no longer select on all_dates, as it destroys lag/lead processed # selections from the dataset try: da = da.sel(time=da_dates) except KeyError: # There is likely non-resampled data being used # TODO: we could use nearest neighbour on this coordinate, # but this feels more reliable to dodgy input data when # transferring logging.warning("Data selection failed, likely not daily sampled " "data so will give that a try") da = da.resample(time="1D").mean().sel( time=da_dates).sortby("time")"Filtered to {} units long based on configuration " "requirements".format(len(da.time))) for coord in ["yc", "xc"]: if getattr(da, coord).attrs['units'] == "km": da[coord] = da[coord] * 1000 da[coord].attrs['units'] = "meters" return da
[docs] @staticmethod def mean_and_std(array: object): """ Return the mean and standard deviation of an array-like object (intended use case is for normalising a raw satellite data array based on a list of samples used for training). :param array: :return: """ mean = np.nanmean(array) std = np.nanstd(array)"Mean: {:.3f}, std: {:.3f}".format( mean.item(), std.item())) return mean, std
def _normalise_array_mean(self, var_name: str, da: object): """ Using the *training* data only, compute the mean and standard deviation of the input raw satellite DataArray (`da`) and return a normalised version. If minmax=True, instead normalise to lie between min and max of the elements of `array`. If min, max, mean, or std are given values other than None, those values are used rather than being computed from the training months. :param var_name: :param da: :return: """ if self._refdir:"Using alternate processing directory {} for " "mean".format(self._refdir)) proc_dir = os.path.join(self._refdir, "normalisation.mean") else: proc_dir = self.get_data_var_folder("normalisation.mean") mean_path = os.path.join(proc_dir, "{}".format(var_name)) if os.path.exists(mean_path): logging.debug( "Loading norm-average mean-std from {}".format(mean_path)) mean, std = tuple([ self._dtype(el) for el in open(mean_path, "r").read().split(",") ]) elif self._dates.train: logging.debug("Generating norm-average mean-std from {} training " "dates".format(len(self._dates.train))) training_samples = da.sel(time=self._dates.train).data training_samples = training_samples.ravel() mean, std = IceNetPreProcessor.mean_and_std(training_samples) else: raise RuntimeError("Either a normalisation file or training data " "must be supplied") new_da = (da - mean) / std if not self._refdir: open(mean_path, "w").write(",".join([str(f) for f in [mean, std]])) return new_da def _normalise_array_scaling(self, var_name: str, da: object): """ :param var_name: :param da: :return: """ if self._refdir:"Using alternate processing directory {} for " "scaling".format(self._refdir)) proc_dir = os.path.join(self._refdir, "normalisation.scale") else: proc_dir = self.get_data_var_folder("normalisation.scale") scale_path = os.path.join(proc_dir, "{}".format(var_name)) if os.path.exists(scale_path): logging.debug( "Loading norm-scaling min-max from {}".format(scale_path)) minimum, maximum = tuple([ self._dtype(el) for el in open(scale_path, "r").read().split(",") ]) elif self._dates.train: logging.debug("Generating norm-scaling min-max from {} training " "dates".format(len(self._dates.train))) training_samples = da.sel(time=self._dates.train).data training_samples = training_samples.ravel() minimum = np.nanmin(training_samples).astype(self._dtype) maximum = np.nanmax(training_samples).astype(self._dtype) else: raise RuntimeError("Either a normalisation file or training data " "must be supplied") new_da = (da - minimum) / (maximum - minimum) if not self._refdir: open(scale_path, "w").write(",".join([str(f) for f in [minimum, maximum]])) return new_da def _build_linear_trend_da(self, input_da: object, var_name: str, max_years: int = 35, ref_da: object = None): """ Construct a DataArray `linear_trend_da` containing the linear trend forecasts based on the input DataArray `input_da`. :param input_da: :param var_name: :param max_years: :param ref_da: :return: """ if ref_da is None: ref_da = input_da data_dates = sorted( [pd.Timestamp(date) for date in input_da.time.values]) trend_dates = set() trend_steps = max(self._linear_trend_steps) "Generating trend data up to {} steps ahead for {} dates".format( trend_steps, len(data_dates))) for dat_date in data_dates: trend_dates = trend_dates.union([ dat_date + pd.DateOffset(days=d) for d in self._linear_trend_steps ]) trend_dates = list(sorted(trend_dates))"Generating {} trend dates".format(len(trend_dates))) linear_trend_da = \ xr.broadcast(input_da, xr.DataArray(pd.date_range( data_dates[0], data_dates[-1] + pd.DateOffset(days=trend_steps)), dims="time"))[0] linear_trend_da = linear_trend_da.sel(time=trend_dates) = np.zeros(linear_trend_da.shape) land_mask = Masks(north=self.north, south=self.south).get_land_mask() # Could use shelve, but more likely we'll run into concurrency issues # pickleshare might be an option but a little over-engineery trend_cache_path = os.path.join(self.get_data_var_folder(var_name), "{}".format(var_name)) trend_cache = linear_trend_da.copy() = np.full_like(, np.nan) if os.path.exists(trend_cache_path): trend_cache = xr.open_dataarray(trend_cache_path)"Loaded {} entries from {}".format( len(trend_cache.time), trend_cache_path)) def data_selector(da, processing_date, missing_dates=tuple()): target_date = pd.to_datetime(processing_date) date_da = da[(da.time['time.month'] == target_date.month) & (da.time[''] == & (da.time <= target_date) & ~da.time.isin(missing_dates)].\ isel(time=slice(0, max_years)) return date_da for forecast_date in sorted(trend_dates, reverse=True): if not trend_cache.sel(time=forecast_date).isnull().all(): output_map = trend_cache.sel(time=forecast_date) else: output_map = linear_trend_forecast( data_selector, forecast_date, ref_da, land_mask, missing_dates=self._missing_dates, shape=self._data_shape) linear_trend_da.loc[dict(time=forecast_date)] = output_map"Writing new trend cache for {}".format(var_name)) trend_cache.close() linear_trend_da = linear_trend_da.rename( "{}_linear_trend".format(var_name)) self.save_processed_file(var_name, "{}".format(var_name), linear_trend_da) return linear_trend_da @property def missing_dates(self): return self._missing_dates @missing_dates.setter def missing_dates(self, arr): self._missing_dates = arr