Source code for icenet.model.utils

import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


[docs] def make_exp_decay_lr_schedule(rate: float, start_epoch: int = 1, end_epoch: object = np.inf) -> object: """ Returns an exponential learning rate function that multiplies by exp(-rate) each epoch after `start_epoch`. :param rate: :param start_epoch: :param end_epoch: :return: """ def lr_scheduler_exp_decay(epoch, lr): """ Learning rate scheduler for fine tuning. Exponential decrease after start_epoch until end_epoch. :param epoch: :param lr: :return: """ if start_epoch < epoch < end_epoch: lr = lr * np.math.exp(-rate)'\nSetting learning rate to: {}\n'.format(lr)) return lr return lr_scheduler_exp_decay
############################################################################### # PLOTTING ###############################################################################
[docs] def compute_heatmap(results_df: object, model: object, seed: object = 'NA', metric: object = 'Binary accuracy') -> object: """ Returns a binary accuracy heatmap of lead time vs. calendar month for a given model. :param results_df: :param model: :param seed: :param metric: :return: """ month_names = np.array([ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]) # Mean over calendar month mean_df = results_df.loc[model, seed].reset_index().\ groupby(['Calendar month', 'Leadtime']).mean() # Pivot heatmap_df = mean_df.reset_index().\ pivot('Calendar month', 'Leadtime', metric).reindex(month_names) return heatmap_df
[docs] def arr_to_ice_edge_arr(arr: object, thresh: object, land_mask: object, region_mask: object) -> object: """ Compute a boolean mask with True over ice edge contour grid cells using matplotlib.pyplot.contour and an input threshold to define the ice edge (e.g. 0.15 for the 15% SIC ice edge or 0.5 for SIP forecasts). The contour along the coastline is removed using the region mask. :param arr: :param thresh: :param land_mask: :param region_mask: :return: """ X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(arr.shape[0]), np.arange(arr.shape[1])) X = X.T Y = Y.T cs = plt.contour(X, Y, arr, [thresh], alpha=0) # Do not plot on any axes x = [] y = [] for p in cs.collections[0].get_paths(): x_i, y_i = p.vertices.T x.extend(np.round(x_i)) y.extend(np.round(y_i)) x = np.array(x, int) y = np.array(y, int) ice_edge_arr = np.zeros(arr.shape, dtype=bool) ice_edge_arr[x, y] = True # Mask out ice edge contour that hugs the coastline ice_edge_arr[land_mask] = False ice_edge_arr[region_mask == 13] = False return ice_edge_arr
[docs] def arr_to_ice_edge_rgba_arr(arr: object, thresh: object, land_mask: object, region_mask: object, rgb: object) -> object: """ :param arr: :param thresh: :param land_mask: :param region_mask: :param rgb: :return: """ ice_edge_arr = arr_to_ice_edge_arr(arr, thresh, land_mask, region_mask) # Contour pixels -> alpha=1, alpha=0 elsewhere ice_edge_rgba_arr = np.zeros((*arr.shape, 4)) ice_edge_rgba_arr[:, :, 3] = ice_edge_arr ice_edge_rgba_arr[:, :, :3] = rgb return ice_edge_rgba_arr